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In celebrating educators, it is paramount to emphasize the critical role that adequate training plays in equipping teachers with the tools and knowledge to excel in their profession. Teachers are the bedrock of quality education, as they work to shape young minds, inspire curiosity and ignite a passion for lifelong learning. However, their ability to do so is intrinsically linked to the quality of their training. Adequate teacher training is not just a matter of professional development; it is the cornerstone of educational excellence. Below are the areas that are critical to quality teaching:


Effective Pedagogy: Adequate training equips teachers with effective pedagogical techniques and teaching strategies. This knowledge enables them to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students, ensuring better comprehension and retention of knowledge.

Subject Mastery: Teachers need a deep understanding of the subjects they teach. Proper training ensures that educators have a strong grasp of the content, enabling them to convey complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner.

Classroom Management: Effective classroom management is essential for maintaining a positive and productive learning environment. Training provides teachers with the skills to manage diverse classrooms, address behavioral challenges and maintain discipline.

Differentiated Instruction: Adequate training helps teachers tailor their instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They can adapt their teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles and abilities.

Inclusive Education: Training equips teachers to provide inclusive education, ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities or special needs, have equal access to quality learning opportunities.

Professional Development: Continuous training and professional development opportunities enable teachers to stay updated with the latest educational trends, research findings and innovative teaching practices.

Student Engagement: Well-trained teachers can create engaging lessons that capture student's interest and motivation, fostering a love for learning and critical thinking skills.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration: Adequate training enhances a teacher's ability to communicate effectively with parents and involve them in their child's education. This collaboration promotes a supportive learning environment both at home and in school.

Educational Equity: Adequate training ensures that teachers are equipped to address the unique needs of students from various backgrounds, narrowing educational disparities and promoting equity in education.


VVOB in Zambia is contributing to improving the quality of teachers in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE) by training ministry of education officials, and through the teachers to offer learners, play-based teaching and learning. VVOB is contributing to improving the foundational skills of learners in the primary subsector by supporting the national roll-out of the evidence-based and contextualized remedial education methodology, Teaching at the Right Level (Catch Up - as it is known in Zambia), through quality assuring the training of ministry officials and teachers, as well as supporting the embedding of the methodology in the government systems and structures.


More recently, VVOB has begun supporting the ministry of education to build the skills of lecturers in the public teacher education institutions to offer Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) methodologies at initial teacher training.